Wednesday, March 6, 2013

we made it!

We made it to Nicaragua! All of us and all of our luggage!
Another girl and I were the first ones to make it to baggage claim and she pointed out a group of super excited Americans with large signs (like Welcome Nica 61) and even bigger grins on the other side of the glass wall. I actually got choked up for a second. We had finally made it!
Gathering the luggage was easy. We worked together as a team to get all the luggage with yarn on the handle (a PC tradition to be able to recognize each other's bags) arranged along a wall and then once all the bags were collected we organized into our teams (I'm group 3) and walked to meet our cheerleaders. It was exciting and overwhelming. It was definitely one of the best welcomes I've ever received. We walked with our luggage to a large truck, loaded it and then got into large vans for the drive to our hotel for the next few days. We had to drive from one part of Managua to the other. We saw a few roundabouts with large statues in the center, a large supermarket that someone said is owned by Wal-Mart, numerous painted school buses, a lot of shops and poverty. The hotel we are staying in is like a compound with a large gate at the entrance. We were given strict instructions to not leave the property. For use it's like an oasis. It is really cute and even has a small pool.  
Once at the hotel we immediately had lunch, a buffet of rice, chicken, beans, plantain chips and salad. There were also two juice options that were delicious.
The afternoon was filled with an overview and some teambuilding games. Then we had dinner, which a weird mix of rice, potato & chopped hot dog, beans, cabbage, and fried plantains.
We spent the evening hanging out with each other and filling out paperwork.

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Jamesters! Rooting for you. Make smart decisions!
