Monday, March 18, 2013

More pets

So the squirrel that my brother caught is now a pet and it sleeps inside the house at night in a cage that is in my opinion not completely secure.

My host brother also caught an iguana the other day so it´s also a pet. He used to have it awhile ago but it ran away one day when it was hanging out on the patio when the dog scared it away.  It seems to live outside always in a cage.

My host brother also have about 20 chickens that run around. They are sort of like pets because he won´t even eat their eggs.  Instead, my host mother buys them.

Also, according to the PC doctor, all the bug bites are flea bites. I have no idea when I got them but my host mother has since washed my sheets and changed my mattress. It´s likely I got them earlier this week when I was standing in the driveway with my little host brother drawing in the dirt.  Haven´t gotten any new ones. Thank goodness for bug spray and anti itch cream! I am using the bug spray all the time now!

I have more animal stories that I´m saving for next time. I´ll include some pictures also.