Tuesday, March 5, 2013

I met the other 31 trainees today. We won't be Peace Corps volunteers until the end of May.
Training went well. People are from all over the country with all different backgrounds, as you would expect. We went over the history of the PC, expectations, safety, and many activities. After almost 7 hours of training, we finally finished and we were able to get dinner. We broke up into small groups and went to eat. I had a bacon cheeseburger as my last meal in the states.
It's now 11:50pm and we have to meet in the lobby at 1:30. The alarm is set for 1am. Time to take a nap.
I'll miss you all over the next 27 months. Stay in touch! Email works best.
Just wanted to give a sincere thank you to my parents. Thanks for driving me to DC and making this a super easy transition. In my typical fashion, we had a bunch of things we needed to do today and the three of us ran all around DC. I love you guys to the moon and back!


  1. La aventurera más guapa de Nueva York se nos ha marchado, así, como sin darnos cuenta. Va a ser una época genial!!!!! Y desde aquí te apoyamos totalmente. Qué buena idea este blog! Guapa!!!
