Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Gallo Pinto everyday

Gallo pinto is the most common food here. I eat it almost every day, sometimes two or three times in one day. Luckily, I like it. It is rice and red beans cooked separately and then fried together. It is sometimes served with eggs, sometimes with a white cheese, sometimes with a baked banana, sometimes with meat, sometimes with a small salad with either iceberg lettuce and tomato or cabbage and tomato and when I’m lucky with maduros (sweet, fried plantains). We also eat rice and red beans separately when we’re not eating gallo pinto. I am very happy with my food so far. My host mother is a good cook and she pays attention to what I do and don’t like (like: tomatoes; don’t like: raw onions and the white cheese). Below is a picture of my first time having gallo pinto at my host family’shouse. It was my second day here. 

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