Thursday, March 14, 2013

My interactions with animals

I´m covered in bug bites. I did not realize that I should be wearing my PC issued bug spray every evening. I have over 30 on my right leg and over 40 on my left leg. I have started to wear bug spray and I used anti itch cream last night to sleep.
Also, I saw my first cockroach while brushing my teeth before bed.  It was huge! I asked my family about it and they brushed it off as something completely normal. However, the prior night there was a spider and they spent 10 minutes finding it and killing it. 
My family has 2 dogs, Espy and Roky.  Roky, the guard dog, broke free yesterday and we realized it while I was eating outside with one of the sisters outside on the patio. We had to sneak into the house and shut the door and wait for the father to come back (he went to go get eggs for their hens).  The dog doesn´t really like me yet. I asked my host mother, Yelba, if he is dangerous and she told me not yet because he is young.
And on Sunday we were sitting watching the TV and a lizard fel down from the ceiling into the middle of the room. I was certain it was dead but after about 30 seconds it flipped itself over and climbed up the wall.
In other news of animals, my host brother, Bayardo, caught a baby squirrel. He went around showing everyone this morning. He said it fell from the tree. He also said he used to have two lizards and they ran away one day while playing on the patio because one of the dogs scared them.

1 comment:

  1. Omg! I would be totally freaked out from the bug bites!
    On another note, the baby squirrel is soooo cute!
