Monday, March 18, 2013

We got our cell phones!!

We got our SIM cards and then were able to buy cell phones yesterday! It´s great to be able to know I can communicate if I need to. If you want the number, let me know.
We bought basic phones for about 25 USD. And PC Nicaragua has a great plan. It´s a group plan so I can call or text anyone in the PC network, which is about 300 people.  I can text anyone in Nicaragua. I can call anyone in Nicaragua with Claro (the system we have). It´s amazing!!
I only have 5 numbers in my phone so far but one of my site mates took everyone´s names and typed them up so we can have everyone´s numbers. Pretty exciting!


  1. I want the number! I am Laura, btw

  2. Jamie! I need your number! If I call you from google voice will it still charge you? Miss you and love reading all about your adventures!
    xx elena
