Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Semana Santa

We had off Thursday and Friday of Holy Week to be able to participate in the Semana Santa (Holy Week) traditions. The week started with Palm Sunday. Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday I went to mass with my family. Monday was the mass for the dead. They read aloud about 125 names of people who had died. Tuesday was the mass for families. Wednesday seemed like a normal mass. The colors changed from the red on Palm Sunday to purple. The altar boys and girls kept their red and white outfits but everyone else was in purple and white.
There were processions multiple times per day and many of the processions included bombas, which sounds like gun shots but they seem to be more like fireworks. They set them off while they are walking too. A young boy carried a bunch of fireworks and is smoking a cigarette during the procession so he can randomly set off the firework. They don't check to make sure the area is clear; they just set them off whenever. Also, many people are drinking pretty heavily since the whole country is pretty much on vacation. There are a bunch of fights at night and the PC warned us about the increase of drinking and driving incidents. Police set up check points every few miles on the main roads to try and catch people.


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