Monday, April 29, 2013

My second class - April 17

On Wednesday, April 17th, I co-taught my second class. The Theme was Community Businesses and the Objective was to Identify the Characteristics of the Successful Businesses of the Community.

We had to co-plan the class with our counterpart. We had made plans to meet her at 9am at the school but by 945am she still had not shown up.  One of the other people at the school is relatives with her neighbor so he called his relative who went to her house and told her we were waiting. 20 minutes later she showed up. She said she had forgotten about our plans to meet, which is very likely since we made the plan over a week before. Regardless, we were able to plan with her and as a result, she was able to co-teach the Information section.

The PC has a format we are supposed to follow and we have been incorporating it into our lesson plans.
- Motivation
- Information
- Application / Practice

In the information section, she listed and described the 5 Factors to generate ideas
1. Local Resources
2. The things people like
3. Ways to improve the quality of life
4. Skills & Abilities
5. Interdepartmental Commerce

For the fun part (application/practice), we had then meet in small groups and each of them had 1 of the 5 Factors. Each group had to make a list of whatever part they were given. They had to highlight the things that were relevant to their region. To close the class we went over their lists and reinforced how an individual can use the 5 factors to improve their business or develop an idea.
Overall, the class objective was met and I think the students had fun!

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