Sunday, April 21, 2013

My first class - April 3 - La Creatividad

On April 3rd, I taught my first class. The theme was La Creatividad (Creativity). I taught the equivalent of 11th graders. They are a loud bunch and there are a lot of them, over 30.  Luckily in our school class sizes are relatively small. In some cities, classes are 70 students or more. We had co-planned with our counterpart, a teacher of OTV. She is currently teaching Medio Ambiente (Environment) so we just show up with our Emprededurismo class (Entrepreneurship) and teach. The teacher and her students are great sports about letting us practice. Classes in Nicaragua typically consist of definitions that the teachers dictate and the students write down verbatim. Classes are not very interactive and the course we are here to teach encourages active participation and group work. 
I started the class with What is Creativity? to encourage the students to think outside of the typical answers of arts and crafts.  I then continued into why it is important in business.  The lesson included an explanation of the Osborne Model, which is a way to improve ideas that already exist. We used the example of a microbus and then they used the example of a bicycle in small groups.
Overall, it was a success. I was very nervous about teaching in front of 30 students for 45 minutes in Spanish but they achieved the objective and I think had fun in the process. 
I had my site mate takes some pictures...

1 comment:

  1. Way to go teaching your first class! Getting the first one done helps with the nerves.
