Sunday, May 5, 2013

Drumroll please… I am going to…

Drumroll please… I am going to… Santa Clara! It is a small town in the northern department of Nueva Segovia, about 5 hours from Managua, Nicaragua’s capital. Santa Clara is only a couple dozen kilometers from the border of Honduras. It is part of the municipality of San Fernando; there are 7,000-8,000 people living within the entire municipality and about 2,000 within the town of Santa Clara. The smallest site by far out of all of the business volunteers in my group. According to the paperwork I received, the area is very rural and the majority of people make their living within the agricultural sector. The municipality is well-known for the production of basic grains, beans, and coffee. It is set in the most mountainous region of Nicaragua and the highest peak in the country, Cero Mogotón, is located in the municipality. The town is in a small valley surrounded by pine covered hills with one of the nicest climates in Nicaragua. 

It is a replacement site so I am replacing a business volunteer. She is in Santa Clara with her husband, an agriculture volunteer. I will be living in little casita and as I am writing this is getting electricity. Supposedly, the casita is one room, about 12x14 in size. I will have my own latrine and bathing area, both outside. I will also have my own pila, which is a concrete water storage tank. Supposedly, the town has water for an hour in the morning and an hour at night. I will fill up my pila when I will have to make my casita homey as it only has a borrowed cot and mattress. 

I will have multiple counterparts in multiple sites. I will be travelling quite a bit to get to the sites.  I will be working in Aranjuez, Mozonte, San Fernando, and Cuidad Antigua. Supposedly, my casita is close to the main road and so are the schools so I should have much trouble getting to the schools.

Wish me luck! 

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