Friday, September 13, 2013

Bat Baseball

One night after dinner, a bat got in the house. I was unsure what the procedure would be. I have heard that some families are completely un-phased by animals in the house and others do everything in their power to kill it. During training, we had mice twice and both times my host father trapped them in the bathroom and killed them with a wooden spear.
We all realized there was a bat in the house. It was obvious. My host father went to get the broom and then started swatting. My host mom and I were responsible to tell him where it was and he was swinging away. It would fly from the kitchen to the living room and back again. I really didn’t think he was going to be able to get it but he completely surprised me. With one good swing he nailed it. I immediately started laughing hysterically. It was such a ridiculous site. We then took it to the neighbors to show their 2 year old son and I of course took some photos. 

Although Bat Baseball happened a few weeks ago, I am dealing with bats droppings in my room this week. It completely grosses me out but my host family doesn’t really seemed phased by it. I did research on it today and it looks like I will be hanging aluminum foil strips from the beams. Thankfully, I sleep under a mosquito net and it catches all of the bat droppings but it’s completely unpleasant to wake up to it every day. Hopefully they find a new place to hang out soon!