Here enchiladas are
nothing like the Mexican enchiladas that you have all had.
Here they are corn tortillas with something additional in the dough that gives it a more orangey color. They are filled with rice and a teeny tiny bit of ground beef. The dough is folder over itself and deep fried. When the street vendor sells them, they all offer a chili sauce to pour over it. Watching the Nicaraguans do it, the trick it to bite off one end and pour the sauce directly inside the enchilada. They definitely resemble more of an empanada but they are definitely a must have. The cheapest ones are C$5 (about 20 cents) and the expensive ones are C$10. It’s definitely not a healthy snack but sometimes I cannot resist. There are a father and son team out of San Fernando who make a living out of selling C$10 enchiladas.
Here they are corn tortillas with something additional in the dough that gives it a more orangey color. They are filled with rice and a teeny tiny bit of ground beef. The dough is folder over itself and deep fried. When the street vendor sells them, they all offer a chili sauce to pour over it. Watching the Nicaraguans do it, the trick it to bite off one end and pour the sauce directly inside the enchilada. They definitely resemble more of an empanada but they are definitely a must have. The cheapest ones are C$5 (about 20 cents) and the expensive ones are C$10. It’s definitely not a healthy snack but sometimes I cannot resist. There are a father and son team out of San Fernando who make a living out of selling C$10 enchiladas.
My host family gets
a kick out me imitating the father:
“Enchiladitas, enchiladitas. Solamente diez cordobitas. Calientitas, calientitas del sol. Solamente diez cordobitas.”
“Enchiladitas, enchiladitas. Solamente diez cordobitas. Calientitas, calientitas del sol. Solamente diez cordobitas.”
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