Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Typical Week

A few of you have asked me what my typical week is like. This is what my class schedule is. This does not include all the bus travel time, which I was going to include but it is hard to capture because for example on Tuesday mornings I take a bus to a road where I try to get a taxi. I actually take a taxi about 30% of the time. The rest of the time I wait around until a good hitchhiking opportunity. So it's impossible to actually capture how much time I am standing on the side of the road. 
7:15-8:15              Co-planning session
11:15-12:15         Co-planning session
12:15-1:45           Class with 5th Year
7:30-8:30              Co-planning session
10:35-12:05         Class with 4th Year
12:05-1:00           Co-planning session
8:00-9:30              Class with 5th Year
10:05-10:50         Class with 5th Year
10:50-11:35         Co-planning session
3:00-4:15              Session 1 of my English Class in town (beginner)
4:30-6:00              Session 2 of my English Class in town (advanced beginner)

7:45-9:00              Co-planning session

10:35-12:05         Class with 5th Year
12:05-1:00           Co-planning session
12:15-1:45           Class with 5th Year
1:45-3:15              English Class with Counterpart

10:50-11:35         Class with 5th Year

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