Wednesday, July 17, 2013


The day my host mom made nacatamales and I was convinced we would eat them for dinner, we actually ate tacos. My host uncle picked them up from his favorite place in the nearby city. They were delicious!! I have learned here that even if things have a name that I recognize, it’s rarely what I am expecting. It has happened numerous times. With fruits, like melocoton, which I was taught means peach but here it means star fruit. Mantequilla isn’t butter here; it is cream, like sour cream. So it came as no surprise that when I was told that there was a taco in the aluminum foil, it didn’t resemble the NY version of a taco when I opened it. Here it’s a rolled, fried corn tortilla filled with meat topped with cheese, a ketchupy sauce and mantequilla. I had 2 chicken tacos for dinner that night and they were delectable. It reminded me of the Greek gyro. Something relatively simple that is incredibly delicious--ethnic fast food. 

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