Thursday, August 1, 2013


I am responsible for homework help. I help both my host sisters with whatever they have. Sometimes they do not copy all of the directions down and other times there is a word I don’t know that is necessary to complete the homework. My bag of books (dictionary, 501 verbs, PC binders, etc.) was in Managua. I was without it and my suitcase for 8 weeks. My boss was supposed to bring it when she visited 4 weeks ago but the room was locked when she went to get it so I lived out of my hiking backpack. I put a lot of thought into packing it and I am so glad I did!

Back to the homework, the lack of a dictionary makes it quite exciting to help them. I have learned many new words, have learned a lot about the area and have had to figure out how to teach basic math skills in Spanish. My youngest host sister is in pre-K so her homework usually consists of writing her name, writing numbers 0-10 and drawing many pictures. The older of the two is 8 so in math she is learning her multiplication tables and basic division. We have spent hours working on both. She also has homework in all her other classes. We have been practicing rhyming words, discussed the importance of accent marks, and have recited a poem. For her tests, I was responsible for her test about Mozonte. She had to memorize what Mozonte means, what are the natural resources, the natural formations, the names of the 4 rivers. We recently started doing additional math practice because it is definitely lacking here. Partially due to a lack of resources, such as worksheets, and a more rigid form of math education. We are spending a lot of time on the multiplication tables and basic addition and subtraction! Wish us luck!

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